Tuesday, October 18, 2011

new look

It's been fun to go over to Mom's and see what changes have happened each day (or several days). The landscapers have cleared out both plants to keep and plants to get rid of. Jake has laid rock on the new shed location. The back patio looks soooo different--so open & uncluttered.
Three scrubby pine trees were removed directly south of the garage doors as you can see in this picture above (I should have taken a "before" pic!). It is at least 10 feet deep there. The builder suggested taking them out so there would be more room to back out and park. A friend suggested that Mom could also fit several garden boxes right against the fence. That made Mom very happy!

Even though this pic is blurry, you can see the rocks laid down where the shed is going to go.

Plants Mom wanted to keep are planted here in a temporary greenhouse area.

There was lots of greenery under those trees in the back. It was all cleared out. I asked Mom if she was sad to see it go, but she said that she didn't care at all.