we've been working on improving our level of preparedness--from using our food storage wheat to make bread, to updating our 72-hour kits, and to gather the supplies we need in an emergency. i searched and saved for a new tent for our family (our old ones were broken). i wanted one with a "sunporch" so that we wouldn't track dirt into tent. i actually bought two-a small 3-person tent and a large family tent. i found both of them on sale (and had a discount coupon) and was able to find two double-height queen air mattresses (also on sale AND with a coupon).
here are pictures of our new tents that we set up for the first time at the ward campout last weekend. the double-height queen air mattresses were heavenly! and we could stuff a single-height queen into the small tent (the girls slept there).
i'll post pictures of one of my loaves of bread soon!