our ward's campout was last weekend at Metzler Park, just south of Estacada. for the last couple of years, we have just come out for the evening campfire or only quinn and the kids have stayed to camp.
this year, because of our new tent purchases and our double-height air mattresses (and electricity at the site), i decided to camp overnight too! we persuaded grandma to come too (again, i think it was the air mattresses).
quinn, grandma, tanner and i came out first and set up camp. our new big tent was not that hard to set up. we had to borrow an air pump (the one we had was too weak) and it pumped up those mattresses just great. we all slept pretty great (quinn and i just needed another blanket).
the ward had a campfire with a special speaker (pres. henderson) and s'mores and some singing (thank you, bro. mayer!). in the morning the bishopric came out to cook breakfast burritos.
the girls, grandma and i left early so that tay could get to work. quinn and tanner stayed later so that tanner could play ball with other campers.