Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Last Day

This is Taryn's last day of high school. She's heading across the crosswalk to get to Rex Putnam. Wow! Hard to believe that my 3rd child is done with high school. Amazing!

Tanner finishes Fifth Grade

Tanner was a fifth grader this year. He had a great teacher, Mrs. Barakat. Halfway through the year, the school district decided that the fifth graders would move up to middle school next year. Middle school will now be for 6th, 7th and 8th graders. One of the special things 5th graders got to do because they would not get another year in elementary school was to have an overnighter at OMSI. Other things Tanner did this year were several reports, a field trip to the Clean Water Festival, BizTown (his favorite), and learning Taiko (Japanese drumming). 

With Tanner leaving elementary school, that also marked my departure from volunteering and PTO. Fifteen years has gone by since I was first recruited to help in the school. I'm both sad/happy to be done.

Milwaukie Roads

When we moved to Milwaukie 24 years ago, we noticed that Milwaukie had a preponderance of flag lots. The other thing we have noticed through the years, is Milwaukie's unusual street naming policy (doesn't seem to have one). The picture below is a perfect example. At this intersection, each of the 4 roads feeding all have a different name. Running roughly west (left) in this picture--Railroad Avenue. Running north (straight ahead) is Linwood Avenue. Going to the east (right) is Harmony Road and behind the camera point is Lake Road.
Funny, huh? There are many more examples. Right near our house are three Arista Avenues. Arista starts and stops and then continues at another location not near the first Arista's. The street my mom lives on is the same. She lives on Ruby Drive. But after Ruby crosses Creighton Avenue, it becomes Lee Avenue. Crazy.
I'm used to thinking of all these road in Milwaukie, but it's better to say they are in unincorporated Clackamas County. It would be interesting to know who named the roads and to know what they were thinking when they did!

Bowling, bowling, bowling

It's tradition--several times a year--on the smaller holidays, our family goes bowling. On Labor Day, Martin Luther King's birthday, and Memorial Day you can find us rolling a ball down the lanes with whomever we can talk into going with us. I always bowl on the bumper guard lane with Tanner and my mom. Tanner usually tries the regular lane for his second game. It's a fun thing to do to liven up a holiday!

Birthday Celebration!

With family in town for Tayler and Aaron's wedding, we had the chance to celebrate 3 birthdays together--Sarah's, and Ethan & Aidan's. John and Anna invited everyone to come to Bullwinkles in Wilsonville for food, cake and fun. Taryn & Tanner stayed late with John and Anna to go on more of the rides/activities there. It's fun to get together with the Knowles family!